About the NCJS

The National Center for Judicial Studies (NCJS) was established in 1981 by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 347 of 1981. Considered one of the oldest judicial institutes in the Arab world, the NCJS is affiliated with the Ministry of Justice and is its training arm, with the Minister of Justice as the Chairman of its Board of Directors.

In addition to specializing in training judges, members of judicial authorities and bodies, judicial assistants, experts, members of legal departments, and others, the NCJS cooperates with various judicial institutes in Arab and friendly countries, as well as international organizations and bodies that carry out similar activities. The center includes training departments, a case bank, a library, and a judicial museum.

Objectives of the NCJS


Qualify and train

To qualify and train judges and members of judicial bodies for proficient judicial practice.


To elevate the technical and practical levels of personnel in judicial and associated entities.

Support the administration of justice

To collect, document, and disseminate legal documents and legislations to support the administration of justice.